Quickstart: Parsing and Plotting

This example shows the most basic steps to get from a raw BioLector data file to an interactive visualization.

import pandas
import ipywidgets
from matplotlib import pyplot, cm

import bletl

In 98 % of the cases, you will use the bletl.parse function to load data.

The function comes with a few arguments that you can use to override calibration settings if your raw data file for example does not specify the correct lot_number.

To learn all about the different options, run help(bletl.parse) or bletl.parse?.


In this quickstart, we load a raw data file from the test suite:

bldata = bletl.parse(r"..\tests\data\BLPro\213-NT_1500rpm_30C_20min--2019-10-18-14-55-15.csv")
# just display the variable containing the data
BLData(model=BLPro) {
  "BS4": FilterTimeSeries(197 cycles, 48 wells),
  "pH": FilterTimeSeries(197 cycles, 48 wells),
  "DO": FilterTimeSeries(197 cycles, 48 wells),
  "GFP-Gemini": FilterTimeSeries(197 cycles, 48 wells),
  "eYFP - Citrine": FilterTimeSeries(197 cycles, 48 wells),

As you can see in the above, the returned BLData object is a dictionary that maps identifiers of filtersets to FilterTimeSeries objects.


Additional properties, such as comments, environment or filtersets contain data that is not specific to a well:

filter_number filter_name filter_id filter_type excitation emission gain gain_1 gain_2 phase_statistic_sigma signal_quality_tolerance reference_gain reference_value calibration emission2
1 1 Biomass4 201 Intensity None None NaN 4.0 1.0 None None NaN NaN None
2 2 pH(HP8) 202 pH None None 7.0 7.0 1.0 None None NaN 100.000000 1924_comp None
3 3 DO(PSt3) 203 DO None None 7.0 7.0 1.0 None None NaN 100.000000 1924_comp None
4 4 GFP-Gemini 204 Intensity None None NaN 7.0 1.0 None None 3.0 135.641129 None
5 5 eYFP - Citrine 215 Intensity None None NaN 7.0 1.0 None None 6.0 160.436661 None
cycle time temp_setpoint temp_up temp_down temp_water o2 co2 humidity shaker_setpoint shaker_actual
5 1 0.013056 None 28.6 29.3 27.8 25.02 -9999.0 76.17 None 1500.0
156 1 0.076389 None 29.9 29.9 30.4 33.20 -9999.0 84.86 None 1500.0
207 1 0.095833 None 29.9 29.9 31.9 34.42 -9999.0 85.36 None 1499.0
285 2 0.346389 None 30.0 29.9 31.0 35.01 -9999.0 85.09 None 1499.0
436 2 0.409167 None 29.9 29.9 32.9 35.10 -9999.0 85.71 None 1500.0

Accessing and Visualizing Measurements

Depending on what you want to do, you can retrieve measurement data as tuples of Numpy arrays: + bldata.get_timeseries + bldata["pH"].get_timeseries

or as pandas DataFrames: + bldata.get_narrow_data + bldata.get_unified_narrow_data + bldata["pH"].get_unified_dataframe

or via the underlying DataFrames that separate time and value: + bldata["pH"].time + bldata["pH"].value

# here we retrieve it as numpy arrays, becase that's very convenient for plotting
t, bs = bldata.get_timeseries("BS4", "A02")

pyplot.scatter(t, bs)
pyplot.xlabel('time   [h]')
pyplot.ylabel('backscatter 3')


With the ipywidgets package, one can easily create interactive visualizations.

Here, the plotting code from above is wrapped into a plot_one_well function that takes filterset and well as arguments.

The ipywidgets.interact or ipywidgets.interact_manual function is then used to create an interactive visualization, where all the available filtersets/wells are passed as options.

def plot_one_well(filterset, well):
    time, value = bldata.get_timeseries(filterset, well)

    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
    ax.scatter(time, value)
    ax.set_xlabel("time   [h]")

<function __main__.plot_one_well(filterset, well)>

That’s it with the basic tutorial! To learn more about what bletl can do, checkout the other examples.

Also remember to use help(...) and dir(...) to read the attributes/methods/docstrings. They often contain more detailed information than example notebooks.

%load_ext watermark
%watermark -n -u -v -iv -w
Last updated: Fri Jul 02 2021

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.7.9
IPython version      : 7.19.0

pandas    : 1.2.1
bletl     : 1.0.0
matplotlib: 3.3.2
ipywidgets: 7.6.3

Watermark: 2.1.0

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